The ferry to Rum allowed us to get a great view of Eigg and Skye as Mallaig drifted into the distance and Rum loomed ever larger. After leaving the ferry we made the bumpy and slow trip from Kinloch to Kilmory, with Becca unfortunately crammed into the back of the Landrover. Since then we have pretty much been working most of the time. We were able to get some sound advice from Josephine Pemberton, along with various stories from the Red Deer Project’s 40 year history. The work has been going well, getting large male skulls with huge antlers down from beams across the ceiling aside. Pouring glass beads into potentially 1000 deer skulls may sound like something that a certain class of sinners is doomed to do for eternity in one of the levels of hell, but accompanied by ‘Stuff you missed in history class’ podcasts and one of the world’s best views it seems to be rather pleasant. The long-term research manager/field assistant Martyn is great company at night and his cooking has improved since his time at the KMP. I’ve posted some pictures: one of me and the skull of Aristotle, one of the showing that the bothy lies at the end of the rainbow, another of our view as we walk to breakfast, and then some from our trip to the beach (Samhnan Insir) on our first sunny day (and thus our first day off). It’s cold at night but the Island is so beautiful that we don’t care.