A list of some of the papers produced on fork-tailed drongos:
Flower, Child & Ridley (2013) The ecological economics of kleptoparasitism: pay-offs from self-foraging versus kleptoparasitism Journal of Animal Ecology 82:245-255
Child, Flower & Ridley (2012) Investigating a link between bill morphology, foraging ecology and kleptoparasitic behaviour in the fork-tailed drongo Animal Behaviour 84:1013-1022
Flower & Gribble (2012) Kleptoparasitism by attacks versus false alarm calls in fork-tailed drongos. Animal Behaviour 83:403-410
Flower (2012) Fork-tailed drongos use deceptive mimicked alarm calls to steal food. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 2011 278, 1548-1555.
Ridley & Raihani (2007) Facultative response to a kleptoparasite by the cooperatively breeding pied babbler Behavioural Ecology 18:324-330