However, being at the Fitz is always good before a conference. At the Fitz, we can always organise a quick presentation were all the senior staff will come a give you feed back on your talk. So after giving my talk on Tuesday I feel far more ready for the conference, not only in terms of the structure of my talk but also in terms of knowing that I can deliver it (or at least not completely mess it up).
I went to the last ISBE in Perth 2010, and this one looks to be very different. The Perth conference was all in one big convention centre, making movement between sessions easy. Perth's set-up meant that you could cherry pick the talks you wanted to see. This years conference in Lund is likley to be very different, being in an old town and with venues that are all very different from each other. But I am really looking forward to seeing Lund, being European I have a strangle love of all old buildings.
Well I best get to work to polish off my talk. If anyone is interested it's in Session 38 - Feeding and begging, 15/08/12, presentation 3, entitle: Does a mobile begging system impose honesty on begging?