Here is a link to the conference website, it isn't the best laid out in the world. It looks like it is going to be a really great conference and New York seems like a great place to host it. Good luck to everyone taking part, and hopefully loads of great collaborations come out of it.
So the list of talks that should be good:
BJ Ashton
Saturday session 3, HW615:
Group size drives cognitive differences in a cooperative breeder
DL Cram
Friday session 2, HN C-002:
The oxidative stress costs of reproduction are mitigated by helpers in a cooperatively breeding bird
JE York
Saturday session 1,Lang HN 4th floor:
‘Dear-enemy’ of the collective: cooperative contributions to territorial defence under experimentally manipulated levels of threat
MJ Nelson-Flower
Tuesday session 1, Assembly Hall:
Male and females use different mechanisms to maintain high reproductive skew in a cooperative bird
T Flower
Friday session 3, HW 511:
The coevolution of an interspecific sentry signal between foraging mutualists
D Lukas
Tuesday session 1, Assembly Hall:
The evolution of male infanticide in mammals
S Cunningham
Saturday session 1, HW 615:
It's cool to be dominant*: social status and thermoregulation in birds
M Zöttl
Tuesday session 1, Kaye Playhouse
Queen succession, female-female competition and forcible eviction in Damaraland mole-rat (Fukomys damarensis) colonies
SW Townsend
Friday session 1, HW 511
The meerkat ‘animal moving’ call: functional reference in highly variable situations